by Angela Keer | Aug 1, 2011 | Bird Hunting, Bird Hunting Report, Feature Articles, Sporting Destination Reviews, Sporting Travel, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
The Connecticut River Valley has been home to several easily recognizable firearms companies such as Winchester, Parker, Colt, and Marlin. It’s also a stone’s throw from Tony Galazan’s Connecticut Shotgun Manufacturing Company.
by Angela Keer | Apr 8, 2011 | Columns, Upland Almanac, Upland Bird Hunting News, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
For a variety of reasons, hunting has consistently declined in popularity since the mid-1980’s. In an effort to counter that trend the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA), the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the National Wild Federation launched the...
by Angela Keer | Mar 1, 2011 | Bird Hunting, Bird Hunting Report, Feature Articles, Sporting Destination Reviews, Sporting Travel, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Located in North Carolina’s Sandhills region, The Webb Farm provides a traditional quail hunting experience for wild and “Surrogated” birds.
by Angela Keer | Oct 1, 2010 | Bird Hunting, Bird Hunting Report, Feature Articles, Sporting Destination Reviews, Sporting Travel, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
While Ruffed grouse hunting in New York State opens on Oct. 1, resourceful hunters can get a jump on the season in the northern tier, particularly at Jerry Bottcher’s Hungry Trout Resort.
by Angela Keer | Sep 1, 2010 | Bird Hunting, Bird Hunting Report, Feature Articles, Sporting Destination Reviews, Sporting Travel, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Debbie and Dale Norton’s Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures offers an outstanding wild bird hunt for ruffed grouse and woodcock. With excellent guides, great dog work, good numbers of birds and expansive coverts with primary and secondary, the hunt is reminiscent of...