by Angela Keer | Aug 8, 2013 | Columns, Upland Almanac, Upland Bird Hunting News, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
According to the Billings Gazette, 80 Montana Sage Grouse might find themselves relocated to North Dakota in 2014 and 2015. Two batches of 40 female sage grouse are being considered to help supplement the dwindling populations in southwestern North Dakota.
by Angela Keer | May 27, 2013 | Columns, Upland Almanac, Upland Bird Hunting News, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Learn about the new Museum for Elmer Crowell, SportDOG’s newest conservation program called Future Forward, Online Hunter Safety Courses at and more…
by Angela Keer | May 24, 2013 | Bird Hunting, Bird Hunting South of the Mason-Dixon, Feature Articles, Sporting Destination Reviews, Sporting Travel, Upland Almanac, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Quail aficionados are well acquainted with the historic plantation life that rooted in the rolling hills, lakes, rivers, and red clay of the Red Hills region. For over a century, shooters have traveled to the area that encompasses 515 square miles of land in the...
by Angela Keer | Oct 27, 2012 | Bird Hunting, Columns, Upland Almanac, Upland Bird Hunting News, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Your Money Is No Good Here According to Mike Piccione of the Daily Caller, Bank of America no longer wants to do business with McMillan Firearms Manufacturing. The Phoenix, Ariz., company manufactures a wide variety of hunting, competition, and tactical rifles and has...
by Angela Keer | Aug 27, 2012 | Bird Hunting, Photo Essays, Upland Almanac, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
By Nancy Anisfield and Tom Keer There is a tremendous difference between a hunting camp and a home. Hunting camps evolve over time and are parts of everyone who has ever been there. An old sofa from our buddy’s uncle’s attic. Some dishes and silverware...
by Angela Keer | Aug 27, 2012 | Bird Hunting, Columns, Upland Almanac, Upland Bird Hunting News, Writing By Content, Writing by Magazine, Writing By Style
Humane Society for Shelter Pets The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that Richard Berman has established a group called The Humane Society for Shelter Pets (HSSP). Berman, a longtime opponent of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), an...