South County, Rhode Island – Eastern Fly Fishing

Among saltwater anglers you’ll never hear a peep about Rhode Island’s diminutive size. The smaller, the better, they say, and anglers in Little Rhody are used to outstanding and diverse fishing opportunities without driving from pillar to post. South County is one of...

Lolipops and Hatblowers – Sporting Classics

Quail Hunting is a treasured tradition in the Red Hills Somewhere between the morning mist rising from the lake at False Dawn and the skeins of Spanish moss drooping from the cypress trees is a space of air where the quail fly hard. When a covey erupts from the...

Yankee Cover Dog – Covey Rise Magazine

My heart skipped a beat when my wife told me she loved Albert. He was a young, muscular, good-looking tricolor setter of North Carolina quail stock, part of the field-dog rotation at The Webb Farm. Bill Webb owned him, Wade Meacham trained him and Kenny Rabb hunted...